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The Assassin's Creed Community are raising

money for Ocean Conservancy.

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TOWCB Website - One Month

Since Launch



Save 10% on officially licensed Assassin's

Creed Origins merchandise with the code "TOWCB"

Top Stories

Aveline Assassin's Cred Statue

It has been exactly a month since we launched the new website, and we're pleased to say that it has been well received! 


Here's what we've been up to since launch:

1) Adding content from the old website.



Every day the website grows, as we are slowly 

adding all of our old articles and projects.


As you can imagine, this is an extremely time

consuming process, as we first created our 

community in 2014.


This means that 5 years worth of content will soon

be available on the website.


You can track our progress here


The Assassin's Creed Community are raising

money for Ocean Conservancy.

                           Donate today


Save 10% on officially licensed Assassin's

Creed Origins merchandise with the code "TOWCB"


2) Navigation



As we are continually adding new pages, navigation of

the site becomes a priority. In order to improve this, we

have added a grid to the bottom of every page, so that

our fans can find the current top stories on the site.


This will be updated regularly using google analytics.


We are also improving navigation on the site by frequently

testing hyperlinks, and changing their colour to green 

when they are working. You may stumble upon a few red

links when browsing the site. This is most likely because

the page does not yet exist.


We are hoping to have all our old articles and projects on 

the site very soon!

3) SEO



We are also frequently updating our SEO (Search

engine optimization), so that we can increase

traffic on the site.


The website can now be found on Google, but 

eventually we would like our pages to be ranked 

higher. This is done by updating the SEO, which

allows search engines to show relevant content that

users are searching for.


Keywords, snappy page descriptions and more

content will surely help us to improve traffic,

and help the website become the #1 location for

fans searching for Assassin's Creed Community




4) Launch of Mobile Version



Shortly after the launch of our new website (10/8/19),

we launched the mobile version! Using the same URL, the site should now work on mobile devices!


We have tested it many times on mobile phones and iPad, and it seems that many hours editing the site were well spent!


We currently have a majority of users viewing the site on mobile devices, so it's a good thing we managed to launch the mobile version so quickly!


Let us know if you have any tips on how we can make the site even better on mobile devices!

We have a ton of new content planned for the site, so make sure to add it to your bookmarks and check back regularly to see what we've been working on!

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